[Eeglablist] Plotting ERSP for all channels in one figure

Arnaud Delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Sat Jan 26 21:39:45 PST 2013

Dear Sebastian,

here is some code to do exactly that

figure; metaplottopo( EEG.data, 'plotfunc', 'newtimef', 'chanlocs', EEG.chanlocs, 'plotargs', {EEG.pnts, [EEG.xmin EEG.xmax]*1000, EEG.srate, [0], 'plotitc', 'off', 'ntimesout', 50, 'padratio', 1});

You will have to use a slightly modified version of newtimef though


here is also some code to plot ERPIMAGE for all channels (sorted by reaction time)

figure; metaplottopo(EEG.data, 'plotfunc', 'erpimage', 'plotargs', { eeg_getepochevent( EEG, {'rt'},[],'latency'), linspace(EEG.xmin*1000, EEG.xmax*1000, EEG.pnts), '', 10, 1 ,'erp','off','cbar','off' }, 'chanlocs', EEG.chanlocs);

Clicking on the individual image will pop up a new window.
You might have to modify the code slightly depending on your data.



On 20 Jan 2013, at 02:46, Sebastien Pollet wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am  relatively new to EEGLab and Matlab, but am learning fast.
> With Plot > Time frequency transforms > Channel time-frequency, I  get a plot for one channel at a time.
> Is it possible to position the plots of all channels onto one figure according to my channel locations?
> Thanks very much in advance for any response.
> Sebastien
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