[Eeglablist] epochs of resting conditions
Tarik S Bel-Bahar
tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 18:16:22 PST 2013
you can also try the following eeglab function
Convert a continuous dataset into consecutive epochs of a specified
regular length by adding dummy events of type 'X' and epoching the
data around these events. The mean of each epoch (or if min
epochlimits arg < 0, the mean of the pre-0 baseline) is removed from
each epoch. May be used to split up continuous data for artifact
rejection followed by ICA decomposition. The computed EEG.icaweights
and EEG.icasphere matrices may then be exported to the continuous
dataset and/or to its epoched descendents.
You could also try to do your LORETA or other analysis on the ICs that
represent your brain dynamics of interest.
On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu> wrote:
> Dear Francesca,
>> I'd like to know how can I have epochs of eyes-closed and eyes-open resting
>> conditions signal if I haven't any events?
> You can add event markers post-hoc. Check 'Edit' - 'Event values'.
>> I have a continuous signal 2 minutes long and I have to remove artifacts
>> with ica and then export to loreta
> ICA does not require epochs so don't worry.
>> but I need epochs of 2 seconds long ...
> If you want to generate 2 second long epochs, the work around with GUI
> would be found again in 'Edit' - 'Event values'. It would be much more
> efficient if you can code a simple loop to do this job. Try 'eegh'
> after you use GUI to see if it is interesting for you.
> Makoto
> 2013/2/1 francesca miraglia <fra.miraglia at gmail.com>:
>> Dear experts,
>> I'd like to know how can I have epochs of eyes-closed and eyes-open resting
>> conditions signal if I haven't any events?
>> I have a continuous signal 2 minutes long and I have to remove artifacts
>> with ica and then export to loreta but I need epochs of 2 seconds long ...
>> Thanks in advance
>> Best regards,
>> Francesca Miraglia
>> IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana Roma
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> --
> Makoto Miyakoshi
> JSPS Postdoctral Fellow for Research Abroad
> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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