[Eeglablist] Power Spectra - Window Type

Arnaud Delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Fri Feb 8 21:14:00 PST 2013

Dear Marco,

yes, you are right. If the 'continuous' option is left to 'off', then the FFT decomposition will be perform on whole data epochs. If 'continuous' is set to 'on' then each data epochs will be considered as continuous EEG data and smaller data segments will be extracts.

> So really my question is: if 'continuous' is left 'off' (which is the default value), (1) is the entire (in my case) 2-second epoch being used as window size for the FFT


> (2) what window type, if any, is being used for the FFT

Your full 2-second window, tapered by a hamming function to minimize overlap.

> (3) can I somehow change the amount of overlap?

No. To change overlap, you would have to build a STUDY with the continuous data.


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