[Eeglablist] Compiling amica12 on the ORCA SHARCNet cluster

James Desjardins jdesjardins at brocku.ca
Sat Feb 9 12:02:12 PST 2013

Dear EEGLab List,

I am trying to work AMICA into my default processing stream on the Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Network (SHARCNet), but I am unable to get "amica12" or "amica12lnx64" recognized as an executable when submitting it to the ORCA cluster's mpi queue.

Up to this point I have been executing my work on these clusters within Matlab or Octave and this is my first attempt at running compiled source code.

Is it the case that rather than trying to run the Open64 compiled amica12 file on ORCA I should be recompiling a source code specifically for execution on this cluster (as per the "compiling the source file" instructions here: https://www.sharcnet.ca/help/index.php/Getting_Started_with_Compiling_Code_on_SHARCNET)? And if so, is such a source file available?

If it is helpful to the solution the properties of the ORCA cluster are described her: https://www.sharcnet.ca/my/systems/show/73

As far as I can tell everything else is ready to go on the cluster (data files, paths, *.param files, etc...) it is just a matter of being able to execute the amica12 application (I kind of feel like I have a perpetual motion machine all ready... except for that little piece that moves back and forth forever...)

Thanks, and have a nice weekend!

James Desjardins, MA
Electrophysiology Technologist
Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab, Psychology Department
Jack and Nora Walker Centre for Lifespan Development Research
Brock University
500 Glenridge Ave.
St. Catharines, ON, Canada L2S 3A1
905-688-5550 x4676
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"This pool might be bigger Than you or I know!"

McElligot's Pool
Dr.Seuss 1947
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