[Eeglablist] Average the F and p-values?

Makoto Miyakoshi mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu
Mon Feb 11 11:04:42 PST 2013

Dear David,

Check out David Groppe's mass univariate toolbox and his paper about it.


> One problem is deciding which electrodes to include when reporting the
> statistical significance

If your degrees of freedom is fixed you can determine the critical
value for significance level.

> another is, if I choose one (or a cluster of
> relevant electrodes), do I still have to average relevant time period of
> that electrode and test it again, or can I average the F and p-values within
> that period for that specific electrode (or cluster)?

Any datapoints that is larger than the critical value should be fine
as long as you use single-step approach in multiple comparisons (see
Groppe's paper). Averaging F and p-values sounds weird to me, though I
don't know what is wrong in terms of the theory of statistics.


2013/2/11 david grahms <david.grahms at gmail.com>:
> Hello list,
> I have a question about reporting statistics derived from EEGLAB, or rather
> how to reduce and report relevant statistics. One of the many strengths of
> EEGLAB is the possibility to perform statistical testing over all your
> electrodes and samples when performing a simple ERP experiment. I do,
> however have trouble understanding what to do with huge amount of F and
> p-values once I have performed the testing.
> One problem is deciding which electrodes to include when reporting the
> statistical significance another is, if I choose one (or a cluster of
> relevant electrodes), do I still have to average relevant time period of
> that electrode and test it again, or can I average the F and p-values within
> that period for that specific electrode (or cluster)?
> Best regards,
> David
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Makoto Miyakoshi
JSPS Postdoctral Fellow for Research Abroad
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego

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