[Eeglablist] Postdoc position in systems/cognitive neuroscience (New York)

Simon Kelly skelly2 at ccny.cuny.edu
Sun Feb 24 18:17:51 PST 2013

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral position in the Neural Systems Lab of Simon Kelly in The City College of New York. The position is funded by the Endeavor Scientists Program of the Child Mind Institute (CMI; http://www.childmind.org/en/endeavor-scientists/) and will be jointly supervised by Simon Kelly (http://bme.ccny.cuny.edu/people/faculty/skelly) and Michael Milham (http://www.childmind.org/en/directory/clinicians/mmilham). The goal of the collaboration is to develop novel paradigms for the study of perception, attention and decision making in humans using EEG and/or fMRI, and to deploy these paradigms in clinical studies of child and adolescent populations in CMI as well as in basic research studies in the Kelly Lab.
Any innovative analytic tools and paradigms developed in the course of this position will be made publicly available.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in neuroscience or a related field and have experience and strong interest in cognitive neuroscience. The candidate must have strong analytic skills, be proficient in programming (especially Matlab), and have experience in psychophysics and EEG recording and analysis. Experience with fMRI is a strong plus. The ideal candidate will be reliable, highly motivated and productive, and enjoy working collaboratively.

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, contact information for 2-3 references, and a cover letter with a brief description of past research accomplishments as well as future research interests and career goals to Simon Kelly: skelly2 at ccny.cuny.edu.  

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