[Eeglablist] Asymmetry Analysis

Arnaud Delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Wed May 1 21:52:48 PDT 2013

Dear Flávia,

I do not know of any plugin to perform that operation from the EEGLAB menu.
From the command line, you may compare (subtract) the activity of one electrode from another. For example to compare alpha power between 2 electrodes.

spectralData = pop_spectopo(EEG,  1, [0  EEG.xmax*EEG.srate], 'EEG' ,'freqrange',[8 12], 'plot', 'off');
leftElectrodeIndex = 1;
rightElectrodeIndex = 2;
powerDifference = mean(spectralData(1,:)) -  mean(spectralData(2,:)); 



On 22 Apr 2013, at 13:10, Flávia S Belham wrote:

> Hello!
> Here is a somehow easy question (I think): how can I compare activations between the left and the right electrodes?
> I did a search on the previous e-mails, but I could only find scripts. I’m still learning how to use this language, so it would be extremely helpful and kind if someone could explain the steps to me using the menu of the data editor.
> Thank you all!
> Flávia Belham
> Graduate School of Animal Biology
> Laboratory of Neurosciences and Behavior
> University of Brasilia, Brazil
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