[Eeglablist] How to concatenate two datasets in the channel dimension?

Lisa Holper holper at ini.phys.ethz.ch
Mon May 27 12:00:29 PDT 2013

Hi all

You may advice me in answering the following question.
Given we have two datasets each containing 128 channels. How would you 
concatenate them in order to end up with 256 channels?

pop_mergeset.m merges two datasets, but in the time dimension, not in 
the channel dimension.
I hope this in understandable.

thank you in advance.

Lisa Holper


Dr. Lisa Holper
Biomedical Optics Research Laboratory (BORL)
Division of Neonatology
University Hospital Zurich
Frauenklinikstrasse 10
8091 Zurich
lisa.holper at usz.ch
holper at ini.phys.ethz.ch

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