[Eeglablist] Comparison of statistical and correction methods in Eeglab

Michal Vavrecka vavrecka at fel.cvut.cz
Thu Sep 26 04:42:42 PDT 2013

Dear Eeglab users,

I wrote a short code that allows to visualize p-values for specific
statistical and correction methods in Eeglab. You can watch their power.
The data came from experiment based on presentation of affective stimuli.

Video - http://youtu.be/vH1G4P1BGBI - (best in HD)

Looking forward to read your comments


Michal Vavrecka
assistant professor
Biodat Research Group
Incognite Research Unit
Karlovo nam. 13
Prague 2
phone: +420224357609
cell: +420608661977
personal: http://bio.felk.cvut.cz/~vavrecka/
groups: http://incognite.felk.cvut.cz/

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