[Eeglablist] ICA component potentially related to tongue movement?

Jyrki Tuomainen j.tuomainen at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Oct 9 03:55:52 PDT 2013

Hi all,
our group has collected data in three different conditions (passive 
listening of syllable [da] (1 sec between trials), overt production of 
[da] in synchrony while listening to [da], and tapping in synchrony when 
listening to [da]). The idea is to look at how simultaneous motor 
activity affects N1/P2 responses to compare the effect of these 
manipulations on brain stem responses (especially FFR).

The cortical data for some subjects is really noisy especially at around 
the stimulus onset), and my take is that simultaneous motor activity 
might synchronise eye movements with stimulus presentation on many 
trials. I've used ICA to track these down, and based on the component 
maps this seems to be the case. However, as tongue movement creates a 
largish dipole I was wondering whether component 3 in the production 
condition might reflect this rather than alpha type oscillatory activity 
(which is suggested in the component map). I'd be grateful for any 
comments on this!
The plots are available at 

Thanks in advance, best wishes, -Jyrki

Jyrki Tuomainen
University College London
UCL Speech Hearing and Phonetic Sciences
Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, Faculty of Brain Sciences
Chandler House, 2 Wakefield Street, London WC1N 1PF, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 4214 (Internal 24214), Fax: +44 (0)207 679 4238
j.tuomainen at ucl.ac.uk, http://www.ucl.ac.uk/psychlangsci/staff/academicstaff

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