[Eeglablist] adding event markers at EMG onset

Makoto Miyakoshi mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu
Tue Jan 28 18:18:05 PST 2014

Dear Nive,

If you decide to go manual, EEGLAB plugin VisEd is a useful tool to
manually enter event markers.


2014-01-27 Stephen Politzer-Ahles <politzerahless at gmail.com>

> Hi Nive,
> You could do this using programmatically within MATLAB (i.e. by writing a
> loop that goes through and finds spots within a certain distance of your
> stimulus triggers where the signal exceeds some threshold; the details of
> the code might depend a bit on the format of your EEG.event structure), but
> in my experience doing this you I would still catch false positives
> (picking up other task-irrelevant noise or movement that the participant
> made) and misses (if the motion--which in my experiment was speech
> articulation--doesn't cause MEG to go over the threshhold for some reason).
> So I still had to go through by hand anyway and mark which trials were
> actually good.
> Best,
> Steve
> Stephen Politzer-Ahles
> New York University, Abu Dhabi
> Neuroscience of Language Lab
> http://www.nyu.edu/projects/politzer-ahles/
> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 6:01 AM, Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>wrote:
>> Dear Nivethida,
>> I've heard there is a peak detector a while ago. Now I checked EEGLAB
>> main GUI, but could not find such option.
>> Makoto
>> 2014-01-24 nivethida t <dr.nivethida at gmail.com>
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am trying to obtain the Bereitschaftspotential from 90 minutes of
>>> continuous EMG and EEG data that have been collected from patients. I will
>>> have to mark the onset of EMG activity, epoch the data 3s before the onset
>>> and then average the epochs. Is there a way to automate adding event
>>> markers at EMG onset on eeglab?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nive
>>> --
>>> Dr.Nivethida Thirugnanasambandam,
>>> Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow,
>>> Human Motor Control Section,
>>> National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
>>> National Institutes of Health,
>>> Building 10, 7D42,
>>> 10 Center Drive, MSC 1428
>>> Bethesda, MD 20892 - 1428
>>> Ph: +1-301-402-6231
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>> --
>> Makoto Miyakoshi
>> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
>> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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Makoto Miyakoshi
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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