[Eeglablist] newcrossf

Tyler Grummett tyler.grummett at flinders.edu.au
Thu Jan 30 22:38:45 PST 2014

Hello eeglablist,

I am just having a problem with newcrossf where I am getting the following error message:

At compilation, "formula" was determined to be a variable and this
 variable is uninitialized.  "formula" is also a function name and previous versions of MATLAB would
 have called the function.
 However, MATLAB 7 forbids the use of the same name in the same
 context as both a function and a variable.

Error in newcrossf (line 900)
            Rbootout = bootstat(inputdata, formula, 'boottype', g.boottype, 'label', 'coherence', ...

The problem is that formula is blank. My data is continuous, so at line 443 it switches from type 'phasecoher' to 'crossspectrum' and then from then on it does not create a variable called formula. On line 873 it tries to create a variable called 'formulainit', which doesnt appear to be used in the function. Is that a bug or is it necessary to run the code?

Kind regards,



Tyler Grummett ( BBSc, BSc(Hons I))
PhD Candidate
Brain Signals Laboratory
Flinders University
Rm 5A301
Ext 66124
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