[Eeglablist] Number of samples

Makoto Miyakoshi mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu
Thu May 22 11:31:07 PDT 2014

I mean if you have more *trials *(in the case of ERP) for FFT, that is
beneficial. If you have the same number of trials but longer analysis
window it's not beneficial, as Pal pointed out.


2014-05-21 23:32 GMT-07:00 Pål Gunnar Larsson <pall at ous-hf.no>:

>  Remember that EEG is a very dynamic signal. Hence, longer samples is not
> expected to give better information as the signal changes within the sample
> window. However, increasing the sampling rate, increases the information.
> According to Nyquist you will be able to reconstruct a signal if you sample
> faster than the double of the highest frequency in the signal. However,
> that is when the signal is stable (EEG is not) and the sample is infinite
> long. Practically you will often end up sampling 5-10 time the highest
> frequency in biological signals.
> Pål G. Larsson M.D., PhD.
> Head of Clinical Neurophysiology
> Department of Neurosurgery
> Division of Surgery and Clinical Neuroscience
> Oslo University Hospital
> Po.box 4950 Nydalen
> 0424 Oslo
> Norway
> Tel:  (+47) 23074407
> Mobile: (+47) 93429791
> E-mail: pall at ous-hf.no
> not sensitive
> Dr. philos. Pål G. Larsson
> Seksjonsleder Klinisk nevrofysiologi
> Nevrokirurgisk avdeling
> Oslo Universitetssykehus
> Postboks 4950 Nydalen
> 0424 Oslo
> Tlf.:  23074407
> Mobil: 93429791
> E-mail: pall at ous-hf.no <pal.gunnar.larsson at ous-hf.no>
> Denne meldingen innholder ikke sensitiv informasjon som bryter med OUS
> sine regler for taushetsplikt
> *Fra:* eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu [mailto:
> eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu] *På vegne av* Samaneh Valipour
> *Sendt:* 21. mai 2014 06:58
> *Til:* mmiyakoshi
> *Kopi:* eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
> *Emne:* Re: [Eeglablist] Number of samples
> Thanks a lot Dear Makoto.
> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 10:03 PM, Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>
> wrote:
> Dear Samaneh,
> Samples you mean sampling points? Yes of course. The more sampling points
> you have, the better (i.e. smoother and more reliable) the results are.
> Makoto
> 2014-05-19 21:31 GMT-07:00 Samaneh Valipour <samanehvalipour61 at gmail.com>:
> Dear EEGLAB users,
> I would like to be sure,whether the results of analysis of EEG using  FFT
> or DWT depend on the number of samples?If is so, what is best choice for
> number of samples?
> --
> *With very kind regards,*
> *Samaneh .Valipour*
> PhD research student: DOES_UOP_INDIA
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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>                            Pune Ganeshkhind,
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> --
> Makoto Miyakoshi
> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
> --
> *With very kind regards,*
> *Samaneh .Valipour*
> PhD research student: DOES_UOP_INDIA
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Post address:  *University of Pune,
>                            Pune Ganeshkhind,
>                           Pune-411007 ,
>                            Maharashtra, (India) *
> Phone nos :*+91-20-25699841,+91-20-25691256,+91-20-25601419

Makoto Miyakoshi
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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