[Eeglablist] pop_autorej error

Tyler Grummett tyler.grummett at flinders.edu.au
Thu May 22 16:59:47 PDT 2014

Hello eeglabers,

When trying to run the following line of code:

EEG = pop_autorej( EEG, 'threshold', 1000, 'startprob', 5, ...
                'maxrej', 5, 'eegplot', plot, 'nogui', 'on');

I get the following error:

Running auto-rejection protocol...
119 channel selected
0/10 trials marked for rejection
Computing joint probability for channels...
Warning: Binning failed - could be due to zeroed out channel
> In realproba at 53
  In jointprob at 87
  In pop_jointprob at 156
  In pop_autorej at 154
Attempted to access sortbox(NaN); index must be a positive integer or logical.

Error in realproba (line 55)
sortbox(data(index)) = sortbox(data(index))+1;

Error in jointprob (line 87)
[ dataProba sortbox ] = realproba( signal(rc, :), discret );

Error in pop_jointprob (line 156)
[ EEG.stats.jpE rejE ] = jointprob( tmpdata, locthresh, EEG.stats.jpE, 1);

Error in pop_autorej (line 154)
    EEG = pop_jointprob(EEG, processdat, complist ,opt.startprob,opt.startprob,0,0);%
    calculate component probabilities

I havent got a clue what this could be due to, I dont have any NaNs in my data.



Tyler Grummett ( BBSc, BSc(Hons I))
PhD Candidate
Brain Signals Laboratory
Flinders University
Rm 5A301
Ext 66124
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