[Eeglablist] Comparing between group ERP effects when they appear to have a slightly different scalp distribution?

Eduardo Partridge eduardopartridge at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 01:35:25 PDT 2014

I'm currently looking at ERP old/new memory effects between a control group
and a clinical population group. In most of my experiments the two
populations exhibit ERP old/new effects that are maximal over virtually the
same electrodes, however, in one study, the ERP old/new effects for the
clinical group appears to be maximal over FCz rather than CPz. When I look
at the waveforms they appear qualitatively similar, which leads me to
believe it is the same ERP old/new effect. This to me indicates that the
differences between the groups in their respective scalp distributions of
this old/new effect are merely due to general variability between
participants. If this were the case, then what would be the best way
of comparing these old/new effects between the groups?

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