[Eeglablist] Using pop_rejepoch() + eeg_store() eliminates epoching information

Ole Traupe ole.traupe at tu-berlin.de
Thu Sep 18 03:02:28 PDT 2014

Dear all, I was stupd. Please ignore. -.-

Am 17.09.2014 17:32, schrieb Ole Traupe:
> Hi all,
> there is something I don't quite understand. Here is what I do with 
> some set files that are already loaded, looped via 'sf':
>     OUTEEG = pop_rejepoch(ALLEEG(sf), rIdx, 0);     %reject some 
> epochs with missing events,
>     OUTEEG.setname = [ALLEEG(sf).setname,'_epochsRejected']; %define a 
> new set name,
> pop_saveset(OUTEEG,'filename',OUTEEG.setname,'filepath',subjPath{ceil(sf/4)}); 
> %save the set to a file,
>     [ALLEEG,EEG,CURRENTSET] = eeg_store(ALLEEG,EEG,24+sf); %and store 
> it in a position in ALLEEG
> What's weird is that the new entry in ALLEEG (e.g. on position 24+1, 
> for the first loop cycle) is lacking all the epoching information 
> (#trials = 1). But this information is present when I load the saved 
> set file from disk.
> Is the problem sitting in front of or behind the screen?
> eeglab13_3_2b
> MATLAB Version: (R2013b)
> Ole

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