[Eeglablist] AMICA throws a bus error

Michael Spezio mspezio at scrippscollege.edu
Tue Jun 16 21:20:59 PDT 2015

Dear Jason, Makoto, and other AMICA users,

I am able to successfully run AMICA in Matlab with runamica12 (R2014b, iMac 10.9.5) on the sample data Memorize.fdt.

However, I get a bus error when I try to run AMICA on my own data. I've posted the error below.

I've verified that the data rank is equal to the number of channels (202). I've also verified that the cnt is correct, 118 epochs, 900 points per epoch. The epochs are 4 nonoverlapping types, each having the -1 to 2 second default bounds.

Can you provide any insight into what is going wrong? I'm following Makoto's pipeline.

Are there additional checks I need to do on my data prior to AMICA?




[ EEG.icaweights, EEG.icasphere, mods ] = runamica12(EEG.data(:,:));

Processing arguments ...
 num_files =            1
 num_dir_files =            1
 initial matrix block_size =          256
 do_opt_block =            0
 number of models =            1
 number of density mixture components =            3
 pdf type =            0
 max_iter =         2000
 num_samples =            1
 data_dim =          202
 field_dim =       106200
 do_history =            0
 histstep =           10
 share_comps =            0
 share_start =          100
 comp_thresh =   0.990000000000000
 share_int =          100
 initial lrate =   5.000000000000000E-002
 minimum lrate =   1.000000000000000E-008
 lrate factor =   0.500000000000000
 initial rholrate =   5.000000000000000E-002
 rho0 =    1.50000000000000
 min rho =    1.00000000000000
 max rho =    2.00000000000000
 rho lrate factor =   0.500000000000000
 kurt_start =            3
 num kurt =            5
 kurt interval =            1
 do_newton =            1
 newt_start =           50
 newt_ramp =           10
 initial newton lrate =    1.00000000000000
 do_reject =            0
 num reject =            3
 reject sigma =    3.00000000000000
 reject start =            2
 reject interval =            3
 max_thrds =            2
 write step =           10
 write_nd =            0
 write_LLt =            1
 dec window =            1
 max_decs =            3
 fix_init =            0
 update_A =            1
 update_c =            1
 update_gm =            1
 update_alpha =            1
 update_mu =            1
 update_beta =            1
 invsigmax =    100.000000000000
 invsigmin =   0.000000000000000E+000
 do_rho =            1
 load_rej =            0
 load_c =            0
 load_gm =            0
 load_alpha =            0
 load_mu =            0
 load_beta =            0
 load_rho =            0
 load_comp_list =            0
 do_mean =            1
 do_sphere =            1
 doPCA =            1
 pcakeep =          202
 pcadb =    30.0000000000000
 byte_size =            4
 doscaling =            1
 scalestep =            1
mkdir: /Users/mlspezio/Matlab/scripts/Projects/HLCC_EEG/HLCC_EEG_Preprocessing/amicaouttmp/: File exists
 output directory =
           1 : setting num_thrds to            2  ...
           1 : using           2 threads.
           1 : node_thrds =            2
 i =            1  real ierr =            0
 bytes in real =            1
           1 : REAL nbyte =            1
 getting segment list ...
 blocks in sample =       106200
 total blocks =       106200
 node blocks =       106200
 node            1  start: file            1  sample            1  index
 node            1  stop : file            1  sample            1  index
           1 : data =   -7.69530153274536       -17.7782669067383
 getting the mean ...
  mean =  -0.427972755604667      -0.451065303007086
 subtracting the mean ...
 getting the sphering matrix ...
 cnt =       106200
 doing eig nx =          202  lwork =       408040
 minimum eigenvalues =   9.293485032426282E-002  0.123639438673911
 maximum eigenvalues =    76318.4901712733        22041.6054108954
 num eigs kept =          202
 numeigs =          202
 sphering the data ...
           1 Allocating variables ...
           1 : Initializing variables ...
           1 : block size =          256
           1 : entering the main loop ...
forrtl: severe (180): SIGBUS, bus error occurred
/Users/mlspezio/Matlab/toolboxes/UseAMICA/amica12mac64 /Users/mlspezio/Matlab/scripts/Projects/HLCC_EEG/HLCC_EEG_Preprocessing/amicaouttmp/input.param: Signal 52
No gm present, setting num_models to 1
No W present, exiting
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