[Eeglablist] ICSLANE registration deadline extension

Filip Melinščak filip.melinscak at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 13:54:56 PDT 2015

Dear colleagues,

this is an update on the ICSLANE15 conference information.

*Registration deadline has been extended to the 20th of June.*
*Fellowships for students presenting posters are available. Check
our website
<http://www.neural-engineering.eu/BarcelonaConference2015/index.html> for


On September 21st – 23rd 2015, the *Neural Engineering Transformative
Technologies <http://www.neural-engineering.eu/>* project

celebrates the closing event with an *International Conference on System
Level Approaches to *

*Neural Engineering (ICSLANE*).

*Eugene Izhikevich, *co-founder and CEO of Brain Corporation, USA, and *Nikos
Logothetis, *

Director of Max Planck Institute for Biol Cybernetics in Germany,
participate in the event as keynote

speakers. The program per day with its* outstanding list of confirmed
speakers *is already

available* here

We invite you to *submit poster abstracts* *and apply for **contributed
talks. *

*Students *who submit posters will have a *fee reduction.*



 Abstract submission <nett.barcelona.2015 at gmail.com>

The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to bring together *theoretical
and experimental *

*neuroscientists, **roboticists and microfluidics experts* to present and
discuss the state of the

art in the field of *neural engineering*. It is designed to provide fertile
grounds for establishing

collaborations between classical neuroscientists and leaders in the
up-and-coming robotics and

microfluidics fields to develop novel neural engineering techniques and promote
the understanding of

the brain.


*Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona*

*Dr. Aiguader, 88*
*08003, Barcelon**a, Spain*


On behalf of NETT fellows,

Filip Melinscak, PhD student.
Neural Engineering Transformative Technologies
BitBrain Technologies,
Zaragoza, Spain.
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