[Eeglablist] How to split signals into the trials?

Amin SHahamiri aminshahamiri at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 12:14:39 PDT 2015

Hi to all specialist.
I am a post graduate student and my thesis is around recognizing and
classifying brain signals.
I've been having problem splitting the signals into the trials that I can
train a artificial neuron network.
I've been using a dataset from BCI Competition 2008 "Graz dataset B" and I
load the signal via this command :

[s , h] = sload('B0101T.gdf')

and it loads signals as s and header as h into the workspace. s includes 6
columns refer to C3 , C4 and Cz. h includes 3 sub-variables as h.EVENT.POS
(position of occurrence)   h.EVENT.TYP ( type ) and h.EVENT.DUR ( duration).
I need you guidance on how to extract trials and the use these trials to
make a feature vector to train the ann????
Another question is that should i use the 3 channels or one of them is
I appreciate your response.
Thanks a lot.
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