[Eeglablist] How to ease the process to add event in the EEG dataset

Md. Abdul Awal awalece04 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 22 18:00:31 PDT 2015

Dear All    I am new in EEGLAB and read the manual.     I have several EEG datasets that need to mark for different patterns. I know there is a process of marking event. It’s like Edit > Event values and then do event. However, for a long dataset it’s really time consuming because (a) you need observe your data and select that position and (b) then go to edit event value GUI only for a particular event. 

I have very long EEG neonatal dataset which i need to mark the data set for different patterns like low voltage, artifact, burst, seizure etc. In a dataset these patterns appears several times. we can plot the multichannel data in EEGLab and select different points using computer cursor. It would be great if i could mark all the selected data point. For example, using computer cursor i can select several seizure point and if i can marks all the seizure points at a time by some means.
    Now my question is that, is there any way to ease that process? The easiest way would be observe the data and select it by cursor (as shown in the figure bellow) and then then mark all the selections by let’s say ‘rt’. It will save lots of time as only one time we need to marks for a particular selected event/patterns.         Thanks in advance for your answer. It would much useful and urgent for me.    Kind regards, -------------------- Md. Abdul Awal  PhD student School of Medicine, The University of Queensland Herston, QLD 4029, Australia    



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