[Eeglablist] Export ERP for LME from STUDY structure

Shingo Tokimoto tokimoto at mejiro.ac.jp
Sat Nov 28 01:52:45 PST 2015

Dear EEGLAB users.

I would like to apply a liner mixed effect modeling to my EEG data with participants and channel locations as random factors. My experimental conditions are within. Is it possible to export an ERP of a certain time-window for each channel and each participant in the text format from the STUDY structure?  I appreciate any comment and suggestions. Thank you in advance.

Shingo Tokimoto, Ph.D.
in Linguistics and Psychology
Department of Foreign Languages
Mejiro University
4-31-1, Naka-Ochiai, Shinjuku, Tokyo,
161-8539, Japan
tokimoto at mejiro.ac.jp

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