[Eeglablist] epochconsist treats files with only one epoch as a continuous file

Whitehead, Kimberley k.whitehead at ucl.ac.uk
Tue Jan 19 23:46:35 PST 2016


I wonder if anybody could please offer some advice on altering the eeg_checkset code so that it doesn't automatically treat files with one epoch as continuous. I think the issue is here:

In eeg_checkset line 182:
case 'epochconsist', % test epoch consistency
                % ----------------------
                res = 'no';
                datasettype = unique_bc( [ EEG.trials ] );
                if datasettype(1) == 1 & length(datasettype) == 1, return; %
continuous data
                elseif datasettype(1) == 1,                        return; %
continuous and epoch data

The code says that if there is only 1 epoch, the file is continuous. This means
that if I try to include this file in a study in which most files have several
epochs, it says there is no epoch consistency and there is an error when I try
to do FFT analysis. However, the nature of my analysis means there are many
files with only 1 epoch. (My epochs are spontaneous transients in EEG which
I've zeropadded to make the same duration/same number of data points. I've
split them up by topography so it's common that in 1 file there may be just one
with, for example, a right occipital topography.)

Thanks, Kim

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