[Eeglablist] Locating Channel for EGI's 128 + VREF Channel

Narendra Kumar narendra.linguistics at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 00:33:02 PST 2016

Dear EEGLAB / ERPLAB users,

I am using EGI's 128 Channel (withVREF) HGSN EEG system for my experiment.
Whenever I load the EGI file, it shows the following in the MATLAB window
and identifies GSN-128 channel as a default channel location.

Warning: This function can only import continuous files or
         epoch files with only one length for data epochs
Only one segment, cannot read portion of the file
Importing binary EGI data file ...
eeg_checkset warning: 3rd dimension size of data (1) does not match the
number of epochs (0), corrected
eeg_checkset warning: number of columns in data (754674) does not match the
number of points (0): corrected
eeg_checkset note: upper time limit (xmax) adjusted so (xmax-xmin)*srate+1
= number of frames
pop_chanevent: importing events from data channel 207 ...
eeg_checkset note: creating the original event table (EEG.urevent)
Removing 1 channel(s)...
pop_chanevent: importing events from data channel 206 ...
eeg_checkset note: creating the original event table (EEG.urevent)
Removing 1 channel(s)...


pop_chanevent: importing events from data channel 131 ...
eeg_checkset note: creating the original event table (EEG.urevent)
Removing 1 channel(s)...
pop_chanevent: importing events from data channel 130 ...
eeg_checkset note: creating the original event table (EEG.urevent)
Removing 1 channel(s)...
Warning: event renaming failed
eeg_checkset note: re-creating the original event table (EEG.urevent)
Deleting empty data reference channel (reference channel location is
EGI channel location automatically detected GSN129.sfp ********* WARNING
please check that this the proper file
readlocs(): 'sfp' format assumed from file extension

Now I want to know

   1. Why does it shows 207 channels ?
   2. How can I make the HGSN 128 channel location file as the default file
   (or should I use HGSN 129 channel because EGI's Net has 128 + VREF channel)
   3. For multiple subject analysis how to write script to load EGI file so
   that it will locate HGSN-129 channel by default.

                 (When I use


sourcefile = ['G:\Exp1_Asha\Mat_files\',subj,'.raw']

 % load input file using readegi

EEG = pop_readegi(sourcefile);

It shows the following error:
Warning: This function can only import continuous files or
         epoch files with only one length for data epochs
Error using readegi (line 67)
No such file or directory

Error in pop_readegi (line 106)
    [Head EEG.data Eventdata SegCatIndex]
    = readegi( filename);

Error in Preproc (line 22)
EEG = pop_readegi(sourcefile);


I would be thankful for the help.

Narendra Kumar
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