[Eeglablist] Locating Channel for EGI's 128 + VREF Channel

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 19:13:07 PST 2016

Hello Narendra, here are some notes below that should help a little. Let me
know if you continue to have an issue with this basic step. Cheers!

First try to find and download all the EGI location files from the EGI
support site or their support team. These contain versions for their
current hydrocel nets, with and without the VREF. The files are "sfp" files
and are properly & automatically loaded into EEGLAB by using the gui

Edit>Channel Locations, and loading the correct EGI chanlocations file, and
then saving the .set eeglab file with the correct locations. This is easy
and works well. Visualize in 2d and 3d in the channel locations window to
confirm you've achieve cahnnel location sanity.

You might also benefit from googling eeglablist to find answers to similar
questions on the list in the past.In case you need them or don't have them,
I've included the 129 and 128 channel locations (hydrocel adult nets) as
text info below. If you need to you can cut and paste and save as a sfp
file, and eeglab should read it with no problem.

Regarding the "number of channels" it says, first open the EEG data viewer,
and see if you see 128 or 207 channels there. I think you will see 128 or
129 channels, and if you see 207 channels there is a problem with the data
you are importing.

Next, regarding the default channel locations that eeglab applies upon
import of EGI files, just ignore that, and apply the correct channel
locations after the data is imported and in matlab memory. You could try to
manually remove and replace the current locations file that eeglab is
calling from its folders, but I don't recommend doing so. Please put in a
small bug report on eeglab bugzilla, and help the developers make sure they
have all the correct files so that the issue is resolved in the future.

Also, for EEGLAB, remember you need to make sure you export correctly from
EGI's Netstation software. so, specifically, please be sure  that you are
exporting .raw files appropriately with or without the vref. EGI has a new
file format too that might work or be recognized better, you can find out
about it from them (called the Mff or MMF format, for which there is an
eeglab plugin).

FidNz 0 9.071585155 -2.359754454
FidT9 -6.711765 0.040402876 -3.251600355
FidT10 6.711765 0.040402876 -3.251600355
E1 5.787677636 5.520863216 -2.577468644
E2 5.291804727 6.709097557 0.307434896
E3 3.864122447 7.63424051 3.067770143
E4 2.868837559 7.145708546 4.989564557
E5 1.479340453 5.68662139 6.812878187
E6 0 3.806770224 7.891304964
E7 -1.223800252 1.558864431 8.44043914
E8 4.221901505 7.998817387 -1.354789681
E9 2.695405558 8.884820317 1.088308144
E10 1.830882336 8.708839134 3.18709115
E11 0 7.96264703 5.044718001
E12 -1.479340453 5.68662139 6.812878187
E13 -2.435870762 3.254307219 7.608766206
E14 1.270447661 9.479016328 -0.947183306
E15 0 9.087440894 1.333345013
E16 0 9.076490798 3.105438474
E17 0 9.271139705 -2.211516434
E18 -1.830882336 8.708839134 3.18709115
E19 -2.868837559 7.145708546 4.989564557
E20 -3.825797111 5.121648995 5.942844877
E21 -1.270447661 9.479016328 -0.947183306
E22 -2.695405558 8.884820317 1.088308144
E23 -3.864122447 7.63424051 3.067770143
E24 -4.459387187 6.021159964 4.365321482
E25 -4.221901505 7.998817387 -1.354789681
E26 -5.291804727 6.709097557 0.307434896
E27 -5.682547954 5.453384344 2.836565436
E28 -5.546670402 4.157847823 4.627615703
E29 -4.762196763 2.697832099 6.297663028
E30 -3.695490968 0.960411022 7.627828134
E31 -1.955187826 -0.684381878 8.564858511
E32 -5.787677636 5.520863216 -2.577468644
E33 -6.399087198 4.127248875 -0.356852241
E34 -6.823959684 2.968422112 2.430080351
E35 -6.414469893 1.490027747 4.741794544
E36 -5.47913021 0.284948655 6.38332782
E37 -3.909902609 -1.519049882 7.764134929
E38 -6.550732888 3.611543152 -3.353155926
E39 -7.191620108 0.850096251 -0.882936903
E40 -7.391919265 0.032151584 2.143634599
E41 -6.905051715 -0.800953972 4.600056501
E42 -5.956055073 -2.338984312 6.00361353
E43 -6.518995129 2.417299399 -5.253637073
E44 -6.840717711 1.278489412 -3.5553823
E45 -7.304625099 -1.866238006 -0.629182006
E46 -7.312517928 -2.298574078 2.385298838
E47 -6.737313764 -3.011819533 4.178390203
E48 -5.934584124 2.22697797 -7.934360742
E49 -6.298127313 0.41663451 -6.069156425
E50 -6.78248072 -4.023512045 -0.232191092
E51 -6.558030032 -4.667036048 2.749989597
E52 -5.831241498 -4.494821698 4.955347697
E53 -4.193518856 -4.037020083 6.982920038
E54 -2.270752074 -3.414835627 8.204556551
E55 0 -2.138343513 8.791875902
E56 -6.174969392 -2.458138877 -5.637380998
E57 -6.580438308 -3.739554155 -2.991084431
E58 -6.034746843 -5.755782196 0.051843011
E59 -5.204501802 -6.437833018 2.984444293
E60 -4.116929504 -6.061561438 5.365757296
E61 -2.344914884 -5.481057427 7.057748614
E62 0 -6.676694032 6.465208258
E63 -5.333266171 -4.302240169 -5.613509789
E64 -5.404091392 -5.870302681 -2.891640039
E65 -4.645302298 -7.280552408 0.130139701
E66 -3.608293164 -7.665487704 3.129931648
E67 -1.844644417 -7.354417376 5.224001733
E68 -3.784983913 -6.401014415 -5.260040689
E69 -3.528848027 -7.603010836 -2.818037873
E70 -2.738838019 -8.607966849 0.239368223
E71 -1.404967401 -8.437486994 3.277284901
E72 0 -7.829896826 4.687622229
E73 -1.929652202 -7.497197868 -5.136777648
E74 -1.125731192 -8.455208629 -2.632832329
E75 0 -8.996686498 0.487952047
E76 1.404967401 -8.437486994 3.277284901
E77 1.844644417 -7.354417376 5.224001733
E78 2.344914884 -5.481057427 7.057748614
E79 2.270752074 -3.414835627 8.204556551
E80 1.955187826 -0.684381878 8.564858511
E81 0 -7.85891896 -4.945387489
E82 1.125731192 -8.455208629 -2.632832329
E83 2.738838019 -8.607966849 0.239368223
E84 3.608293164 -7.665487704 3.129931648
E85 4.116929504 -6.061561438 5.365757296
E86 4.193518856 -4.037020083 6.982920038
E87 3.909902609 -1.519049882 7.764134929
E88 1.929652202 -7.497197868 -5.136777648
E89 3.528848027 -7.603010836 -2.818037873
E90 4.645302298 -7.280552408 0.130139701
E91 5.204501802 -6.437833018 2.984444293
E92 5.831241498 -4.494821698 4.955347697
E93 5.956055073 -2.338984312 6.00361353
E94 3.784983913 -6.401014415 -5.260040689
E95 5.404091392 -5.870302681 -2.891640039
E96 6.034746843 -5.755782196 0.051843011
E97 6.558030032 -4.667036048 2.749989597
E98 6.737313764 -3.011819533 4.178390203
E99 5.333266171 -4.302240169 -5.613509789
E100 6.580438308 -3.739554155 -2.991084431
E101 6.78248072 -4.023512045 -0.232191092
E102 7.312517928 -2.298574078 2.385298838
E103 6.905051715 -0.800953972 4.600056501
E104 5.47913021 0.284948655 6.38332782
E105 3.695490968 0.960411022 7.627828134
E106 1.223800252 1.558864431 8.44043914
E107 6.174969392 -2.458138877 -5.637380998
E108 7.304625099 -1.866238006 -0.629182006
E109 7.391919265 0.032151584 2.143634599
E110 6.414469893 1.490027747 4.741794544
E111 4.762196763 2.697832099 6.297663028
E112 2.435870762 3.254307219 7.608766206
E113 6.298127313 0.41663451 -6.069156425
E114 6.840717711 1.278489412 -3.5553823
E115 7.191620108 0.850096251 -0.882936903
E116 6.823959684 2.968422112 2.430080351
E117 5.546670402 4.157847823 4.627615703
E118 3.825797111 5.121648995 5.942844877
E119 5.934584124 2.22697797 -7.934360742
E120 6.518995129 2.417299399 -5.253637073
E121 6.550732888 3.611543152 -3.353155926
E122 6.399087198 4.127248875 -0.356852241
E123 5.682547954 5.453384344 2.836565436
E124 4.459387187 6.021159964 4.365321482
E125 6.118458137 4.523870113 -4.409174427
E126 3.743504949 6.649204911 -6.530243068
E127 -3.743504949 6.649204911 -6.530243068
E128 -6.118458137 4.523870113 -4.409174427
Cz 0 0 8.899186843

FidNz 0 9.071585155 -2.359754454
FidT9 -6.711765 0.040402876 -3.251600355
FidT10 6.711765 0.040402876 -3.251600355
E1 5.787677636 5.520863216 -2.577468644
E2 5.291804727 6.709097557 0.307434896
E3 3.864122447 7.63424051 3.067770143
E4 2.868837559 7.145708546 4.989564557
E5 1.479340453 5.68662139 6.812878187
E6 0 3.806770224 7.891304964
E7 -1.223800252 1.558864431 8.44043914
E8 4.221901505 7.998817387 -1.354789681
E9 2.695405558 8.884820317 1.088308144
E10 1.830882336 8.708839134 3.18709115
E11 0 7.96264703 5.044718001
E12 -1.479340453 5.68662139 6.812878187
E13 -2.435870762 3.254307219 7.608766206
E14 1.270447661 9.479016328 -0.947183306
E15 0 9.087440894 1.333345013
E16 0 9.076490798 3.105438474
E17 0 9.271139705 -2.211516434
E18 -1.830882336 8.708839134 3.18709115
E19 -2.868837559 7.145708546 4.989564557
E20 -3.825797111 5.121648995 5.942844877
E21 -1.270447661 9.479016328 -0.947183306
E22 -2.695405558 8.884820317 1.088308144
E23 -3.864122447 7.63424051 3.067770143
E24 -4.459387187 6.021159964 4.365321482
E25 -4.221901505 7.998817387 -1.354789681
E26 -5.291804727 6.709097557 0.307434896
E27 -5.682547954 5.453384344 2.836565436
E28 -5.546670402 4.157847823 4.627615703
E29 -4.762196763 2.697832099 6.297663028
E30 -3.695490968 0.960411022 7.627828134
E31 -1.955187826 -0.684381878 8.564858511
E32 -5.787677636 5.520863216 -2.577468644
E33 -6.399087198 4.127248875 -0.356852241
E34 -6.823959684 2.968422112 2.430080351
E35 -6.414469893 1.490027747 4.741794544
E36 -5.47913021 0.284948655 6.38332782
E37 -3.909902609 -1.519049882 7.764134929
E38 -6.550732888 3.611543152 -3.353155926
E39 -7.191620108 0.850096251 -0.882936903
E40 -7.391919265 0.032151584 2.143634599
E41 -6.905051715 -0.800953972 4.600056501
E42 -5.956055073 -2.338984312 6.00361353
E43 -6.518995129 2.417299399 -5.253637073
E44 -6.840717711 1.278489412 -3.5553823
E45 -7.304625099 -1.866238006 -0.629182006
E46 -7.312517928 -2.298574078 2.385298838
E47 -6.737313764 -3.011819533 4.178390203
E48 -5.934584124 2.22697797 -7.934360742
E49 -6.298127313 0.41663451 -6.069156425
E50 -6.78248072 -4.023512045 -0.232191092
E51 -6.558030032 -4.667036048 2.749989597
E52 -5.831241498 -4.494821698 4.955347697
E53 -4.193518856 -4.037020083 6.982920038
E54 -2.270752074 -3.414835627 8.204556551
E55 0 -2.138343513 8.791875902
E56 -6.174969392 -2.458138877 -5.637380998
E57 -6.580438308 -3.739554155 -2.991084431
E58 -6.034746843 -5.755782196 0.051843011
E59 -5.204501802 -6.437833018 2.984444293
E60 -4.116929504 -6.061561438 5.365757296
E61 -2.344914884 -5.481057427 7.057748614
E62 0 -6.676694032 6.465208258
E63 -5.333266171 -4.302240169 -5.613509789
E64 -5.404091392 -5.870302681 -2.891640039
E65 -4.645302298 -7.280552408 0.130139701
E66 -3.608293164 -7.665487704 3.129931648
E67 -1.844644417 -7.354417376 5.224001733
E68 -3.784983913 -6.401014415 -5.260040689
E69 -3.528848027 -7.603010836 -2.818037873
E70 -2.738838019 -8.607966849 0.239368223
E71 -1.404967401 -8.437486994 3.277284901
E72 0 -7.829896826 4.687622229
E73 -1.929652202 -7.497197868 -5.136777648
E74 -1.125731192 -8.455208629 -2.632832329
E75 0 -8.996686498 0.487952047
E76 1.404967401 -8.437486994 3.277284901
E77 1.844644417 -7.354417376 5.224001733
E78 2.344914884 -5.481057427 7.057748614
E79 2.270752074 -3.414835627 8.204556551
E80 1.955187826 -0.684381878 8.564858511
E81 0 -7.85891896 -4.945387489
E82 1.125731192 -8.455208629 -2.632832329
E83 2.738838019 -8.607966849 0.239368223
E84 3.608293164 -7.665487704 3.129931648
E85 4.116929504 -6.061561438 5.365757296
E86 4.193518856 -4.037020083 6.982920038
E87 3.909902609 -1.519049882 7.764134929
E88 1.929652202 -7.497197868 -5.136777648
E89 3.528848027 -7.603010836 -2.818037873
E90 4.645302298 -7.280552408 0.130139701
E91 5.204501802 -6.437833018 2.984444293
E92 5.831241498 -4.494821698 4.955347697
E93 5.956055073 -2.338984312 6.00361353
E94 3.784983913 -6.401014415 -5.260040689
E95 5.404091392 -5.870302681 -2.891640039
E96 6.034746843 -5.755782196 0.051843011
E97 6.558030032 -4.667036048 2.749989597
E98 6.737313764 -3.011819533 4.178390203
E99 5.333266171 -4.302240169 -5.613509789
E100 6.580438308 -3.739554155 -2.991084431
E101 6.78248072 -4.023512045 -0.232191092
E102 7.312517928 -2.298574078 2.385298838
E103 6.905051715 -0.800953972 4.600056501
E104 5.47913021 0.284948655 6.38332782
E105 3.695490968 0.960411022 7.627828134
E106 1.223800252 1.558864431 8.44043914
E107 6.174969392 -2.458138877 -5.637380998
E108 7.304625099 -1.866238006 -0.629182006
E109 7.391919265 0.032151584 2.143634599
E110 6.414469893 1.490027747 4.741794544
E111 4.762196763 2.697832099 6.297663028
E112 2.435870762 3.254307219 7.608766206
E113 6.298127313 0.41663451 -6.069156425
E114 6.840717711 1.278489412 -3.5553823
E115 7.191620108 0.850096251 -0.882936903
E116 6.823959684 2.968422112 2.430080351
E117 5.546670402 4.157847823 4.627615703
E118 3.825797111 5.121648995 5.942844877
E119 5.934584124 2.22697797 -7.934360742
E120 6.518995129 2.417299399 -5.253637073
E121 6.550732888 3.611543152 -3.353155926
E122 6.399087198 4.127248875 -0.356852241
E123 5.682547954 5.453384344 2.836565436
E124 4.459387187 6.021159964 4.365321482
E125 6.118458137 4.523870113 -4.409174427
E126 3.743504949 6.649204911 -6.530243068
E127 -3.743504949 6.649204911 -6.530243068
E128 -6.118458137 4.523870113 -4.409174427

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 3:33 AM, Narendra Kumar <
narendra.linguistics at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear EEGLAB / ERPLAB users,
> I am using EGI's 128 Channel (withVREF) HGSN EEG system for my experiment.
> Whenever I load the EGI file, it shows the following in the MATLAB window
> and identifies GSN-128 channel as a default channel location.
> _______________________________________________
> Warning: This function can only import continuous files or
>          epoch files with only one length for data epochs
> Only one segment, cannot read portion of the file
> Importing binary EGI data file ...
> eeg_checkset warning: 3rd dimension size of data (1) does not match the
> number of epochs (0), corrected
> eeg_checkset warning: number of columns in data (754674) does not match
> the number of points (0): corrected
> eeg_checkset note: upper time limit (xmax) adjusted so (xmax-xmin)*srate+1
> = number of frames
> pop_chanevent: importing events from data channel 207 ...
> eeg_checkset note: creating the original event table (EEG.urevent)
> Removing 1 channel(s)...
> pop_chanevent: importing events from data channel 206 ...
> eeg_checkset note: creating the original event table (EEG.urevent)
> Removing 1 channel(s)...
> ........................
> ........................
> ........................
> pop_chanevent: importing events from data channel 131 ...
> eeg_checkset note: creating the original event table (EEG.urevent)
> Removing 1 channel(s)...
> pop_chanevent: importing events from data channel 130 ...
> eeg_checkset note: creating the original event table (EEG.urevent)
> Removing 1 channel(s)...
> Warning: event renaming failed
> eeg_checkset note: re-creating the original event table (EEG.urevent)
> Deleting empty data reference channel (reference channel location is
> retained)
> EGI channel location automatically detected GSN129.sfp ********* WARNING
> please check that this the proper file
> readlocs(): 'sfp' format assumed from file extension
> ______________________________________________________
> Now I want to know
>    1. Why does it shows 207 channels ?
>    2. How can I make the HGSN 128 channel location file as the default
>    file (or should I use HGSN 129 channel because EGI's Net has 128 + VREF
>    channel) ?
>    3. For multiple subject analysis how to write script to load EGI file
>    so that it will locate HGSN-129 channel by default.
>                  (When I use
> ..................................................
> sourcefile = ['G:\Exp1_Asha\Mat_files\',subj,'.raw']
>  % load input file using readegi
> EEG = pop_readegi(sourcefile);
> ...............................................................
> It shows the following error:
> Warning: This function can only import continuous files or
>          epoch files with only one length for data epochs
> Error using readegi (line 67)
> No such file or directory
> Error in pop_readegi (line 106)
>     [Head EEG.data Eventdata SegCatIndex]
>     = readegi( filename);
> Error in Preproc (line 22)
> EEG = pop_readegi(sourcefile);
> ........................................................
> I would be thankful for the help.
> Regards,
> Narendra Kumar
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> Eeglablist page: http://sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab/eeglabmail.html
> To unsubscribe, send an empty email to
> eeglablist-unsubscribe at sccn.ucsd.edu
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