[Eeglablist] Extracting eye blinking (EOG) signal from one channel EEG recording

Sherif Nagib sherif.siha13 at eng.au.edu.eg
Thu Feb 4 13:15:52 PST 2016

Dear All,

I want to extract EOG and eye blinking artifacts from EEG signal. I know that ICA can perform this task, however, I have only one channel EEG recording (fp1 electrode). So I want to know what is the best algorithm to apply for this task.

Best Regards
Sherif Nagib Abbas
Assistant Lecturer at Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt.
Email: sherif.siha13 at eng.au.edu.eg<mailto:sherif.siha13 at eng.au.edu.eg>
Mob.: +20 109 831 5015
Home Page: http://www.aun.edu.eg/membercv.php?M_ID=4905
Google Scholar Page: https://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?user=Gvz9reIAAAAJ&hl=en
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