[Eeglablist] Loading dataset problem after eeglab update

René Michel r.michel at uni-muenster.de
Fri Feb 12 10:04:48 PST 2016

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are a research group from Münster (Germany) currently focussing on
perception of biological motion with eeg data.

After updating to the newest version of eeglab, processing eeg data with our
previous script (worked quite well so far at the older version) leads to an

The script is presented below:

home.path='D:\René\Simon P300 Auswertung\Auswertung EEG\Daten vorverarbeitet
in ASA\';
subject.list =

for i = 1:12
  clear EEG;
  clear ERP;
  sname = [home.path subject.list{i} '.cnt'];
  if exist(sname, 'file')<=0

  fprintf('\n *** WARNING: dataset %s does not exist *** \n', sname);
  fprintf('\n *** Skip all processing for subject %s *** \n',

  fprintf('\n****** Processing subject: %s ******\n', subject.list{i});

  if exist([home.path subject.list{i} '.txt'], 'file') >=0
  delete [home.path subject.list{i} '.txt'];

  fprintf('\n******Loading dataset: %s\n******\n', subject.list{i});

  EEG = pop_loadeeg(sname, 'triggerfile', 'on');

This procedure leads to the following error:

Error using pop_loadeeg (line 118)
The file path last character must be a delimiter

Looking at pop_loadegg.m leads to:

EEG = eeg_emptyset;
if ~isempty(filepath)
    if filepath(end) ~= '/' & filepath(end) ~= '\' & filepath(end) ~= ':'
        error('The file path last character must be a delimiter');
    fullFileName = sprintf('%s%s', filepath, filename);
    fullFileName = filename;

We would be grateful for every advice or solution. If any important
information is missing to get to a solution, just let us know!

Greetings from Münster, Germany!

Best regards,
René Michel

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