[Eeglablist] reading xltec-produced data

Eriksen, Jeffrey :LGS Neurodiagnostics JEriksen at LHS.ORG
Tue Feb 16 13:16:07 PST 2016


I work with Natus Xltek clinical EEG systems, and I can tell you that the ERD files are the EEG data, at least on our systems. We have had them since 2010 June, and have been running version 7 of NeuroWorks, the software provide for clinical review.

Unfortunately, I know that the EEG data files are compressed, so you would need to have code that could decompress them. This is not any standard kind of compression, but custom for this product. I am afraid you will have to contact Natus to see if you can convince them to release some C code to you to be able to read them, for which you will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and maybe pay $ as well.

Their Tech Support line in North American is 1-800-387-7516, though they may not be able to help you. Explain you are doing research and ask to speak to engineering. If that does not work, or they want to charge you $, maybe you can find someone who has a Natus Xltek system near you and use the Natus clinical NeuroWorks software to export to EDF or ASCII.

Had another idea. Natus provides a free DataShare program for medical doctors to be able to review the EEG, and it might have export capabilities. You could ask Natus about that.

-Jeff Eriksen

From: eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu [mailto:eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of Maria Veretennikova
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2016 11:01 AM
To: eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
Subject: [Eeglablist] FW: reading xltec-produced data

Hi all,

We are starting to research EEG.

We have sets of files produced by XLTEC, each set consists of files with extensions:
.eeg, .erd, .snc, .etc, .stc, ent.

For example a typical set is a directory with these files:

We have been looking for softwares that can read these files.

We tried EEGLAB, but we don't know which of these files is the correct one to import into it. And we could not import any of the files.

We also tried to read these files with https://github.com/gpiantoni/phypno/blob/83e01b096fdb96df3c3e4babf096ffc6b351a687/phypno/ioeeg/ktlx.py<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_gpiantoni_phypno_blob_83e01b096fdb96df3c3e4babf096ffc6b351a687_phypno_ioeeg_ktlx.py&d=CwMFAg&c=Jqm1ZfxEkqhe1i9OJqjGIg&r=NRufe1Te0wCWaS0C78KmPw&m=MVGvXKeZfs50KmtSkbvrtnDcYN5SE5btW94uLAeTv-I&s=r3WcHa3QYx6xP3-BZNC3dbWnwjmDr-JhDxV-XvHxtPE&e=>
It claims that the erd files are the main data files, which looks right because the biggest file is Data_001.erd.
However, the _read_erd function in ktlx.py applied to Data_001.erd returns only 32 mostly identical numbers (including some 'nan's), despite the file being 41MB in size. On the other hand, we know that 32 is also the number of channels.

We know Persyst can read the data, but we can't afford it, so we are looking for an alternative way / software to read the data.

Any help / suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance.

Maria Veretennikova
Michigan State University, USA
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