[Eeglablist] Job posting

Hoffmann, Sven S.Hoffmann at dshs-koeln.de
Fri Feb 19 02:25:28 PST 2016

Dear eeglablist members,

the German Sport University Cologne, Institute of Psychology, Department of Performance Psychology (Prof. Dr. Dr. Markus Raab) announces from 1st of October 2016 the availability of a permanent and full-time (12months/year salary, plus annual bonus)

Senior Researcher Position.

The Department of Performance Psychology belongs to the top international research groups in the field of sport psychology. The department and lab language is English. For information and more details please contact Prof. Markus Raab (raab at dshs-koeln.de<mailto:raab at dshs-koeln.de>).


  *   Develop a research profile in the area of perception/action, potentially related to cognition
  *   Publish scientific papers in peer reviewed journals in the area
  *   Secure research funding through grants applications
  *   Develop a network of scientific cooperation
  *   Teaching – Supervision of qualification theses; Teaching in the Psychology of Sport and Exercise Research Master and other Bachelor/Master programs
  *   Assistance with the Department’s administration
  *   Leading the motor-action lab with movement analyses (e.g. vicon, Zebris), mobile Eye-tracking (e.g. Tobii) and mobile EEG/EMG


  *   A scientific grade (Diploma/Master) in Psychology or Sport science
  *   A doctoral degree
  *   Interest in conducting scientific work and research in the field of sport and exercise psychology
  *   Experience in securing funding through grant applications to national and/or international research agencies
  *   Qualification for and experience in teaching and supervision
  *   Fluent English (German skills language are a surplus or are expected to be acquired)
  *   Learning potential, pronounced self-initiative and a high degree of readiness
  *   Ability to work in a team, flexibility, ability to work under pressure and service orientation

Our Expectations

  *   Experience in professional research activities (e.g., presentations, member of associations, reviewer experience, cooperation partners)
  *   Papers should show a profile in at least one or several of these topics: embodied cognition, motor control/learning, perception/action, cognitive psychology, sport psychology, movement science

The applicant with the required qualifications will be remunerated 13 TV-L/TVÜ federal state in accordance with the standard guidelines of employment and remuneration for the employment at universities.

This position is related to teaching duties: 9 hours per week (two terms per 15 weeks a year), according to the regulation of the federal state North Rhine-Westphalia.

The employment is a permanent full-time position, which can be filled in part-time, unless other obligatory reasons of official business are conflicting.

The German Sport University Cologne wants to increase the fraction of women and therefore encourages the application of qualified female applicants. Women will be given preference, unless there are prevailing rational reasons in the person of a co-applicant.

Upon equal qualification, applicants with a handicap will be given preference.

The German Sport University supports the compatibility of family and career.

Please send all application documents (CV, teaching evaluation, list of publications and three published papers as pdf) to the Human Resources of the German Sport University Cologne: bewerbung at dshs-koeln.de<mailto:bewerbung at dshs-koeln.de>, with reference to the code no. 1607/wMA Psychologie-si, and in pdf-format until 04.04.2016.

The jobs talks will be at 19. & 20.05.2016

Best regards


Dr. rer. nat. Sven Hoffmann

Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln
Institute of Psychology
Department Performance Psychology
Am Sportpark Müngersdorf 6
50933 Cologne

Phone: +49 221 4982 5720
Fax: +49 221 4982 8320
Web: https://fis.dshs-koeln.de/portal/en/persons/sven-hoffmann(d345d3fc-4645-41b7-a4ed-b5d44cf1e201).html

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