[Eeglablist] A crowd sourced component classifier

Luca Pion-Tonachini lpionton at ucsd.edu
Mon Feb 29 16:45:01 PST 2016

Hello again EEGLABlist!

I'm sending out another email to again advertise my independent 
component labeling project, ICLabel, and its crowd-sourcing website: 
reaching.ucsd.edu:8000. The more component label votes we gather, the 
better the machine learning methods, once set loose on all 1,000,000 
(unlabeled) independent components (IC) in the SCCN data store, can 
build a robust, automated IC classifier. If you haven't heard of the 
ICLabel project before, or if you want a refresher, you can find more 
information at reaching.ucsd.edu:8000/tutorial 

As you can see from the ICLabel project leaderboard 
<reaching.ucsd.edu:8000/leaderboard>, quite a number of people have been 
helping out -- I greatly appreciate that.

Scott and I have now decided to offer a few 'highly desirable' (to some) 
prizes for those who help label components. We have a few prizes in mind 
-- and this policy: the more you label, the higher your chances of 
winning. We will select winners from the top 20 contributors (not 
SCCNers), weighting the chances of each candidate by the number of IC 
labels they have contributed. The prize winners will be decided sometime 
in April.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, reply to this email or 
submit feedback at reaching.ucsd.edu:8000/tutorial/feedback.

Thanks to all of you for your help and interest,
Luca Pion-Tonachini

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