[Eeglablist] Third annual Brock University & SHARCNet EEG/ERP Workshop April 25-29

James Desjardins jdesjardins at brocku.ca
Fri Mar 11 07:24:20 PST 2016

Dear EEGLAB researchers,
We are presenting the third annual Brock University & SHARCNet week-long workshop on advanced EEG/ERP methods, April 25-29. The agenda includes theoretical discussions and hands-on EEGLAB sessions including ERP analysis, Time-frequency decomposition, Independent Components Analysis (ICA), robust statistics, and the use of EEGLAB on High Performance Computing (HPC) resources (SHARCNet, Compute Canada).

This event is open to students, postdocs and faculty. For more information and registration go to:

Space will be limited to 34 hands-on attendees. We will circulate preparation materials for registrants so that appropriate software can be installed ahead of time.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at lifespan at brocku.ca<mailto:lifespan at brocku.ca>.
Sid Segalowitz & James Desjardins

James Desjardins, MA
High Performance Computing Consultant
SHARCNet, Compute/Calcul Canada
Electrophysiology Technologist
Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab, Psychology Department
Jack and Nora Walker Centre for Lifespan Development Research

Brock University
500 Glenridge Ave.
St. Catharines, ON, Canada L2S 3A1
905-688-5550 x4676
"'Cause you never can tell What goes on down below!
"This pool might be bigger Than you or I know!"

McElligot's Pool
Dr.Seuss 1947
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