[Eeglablist] ICLabel Progress

Luca Pion-Tonachini lpionton at ucsd.edu
Fri Mar 11 14:16:51 PST 2016

Hi EEGLABlist,

I just want to provide a quick update on the ICLabel website 
(reaching.ucsd.edu:8000) <reaching.ucsd.edu:8000>. We currently have a 
total of 3,651 labels, of which 2110 are not originating from the SCCN! 
The goal is 10,000 labels so that's already more than 1/3 of the way. 
Any amount helps, and special thanks to our top labelers.

At the request of a user, I implemented "hotkeys" for the labeling page. 
You can now label using the number keys and enter to submit. There is 
also a slight change in layout, so let me know if there is anything you 
particularly like or dislike about it.

Just as a reminder, we're offering three prizes to be randomly 
distributed based on how much you label to be. Winners will be 
determined sometime in April.

Thank again!
Luca Pion-Tonachini
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