[Eeglablist] EEG signal analysis and tracking, estimation

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 07:28:28 PDT 2016

Hello Santhosh, some responses below, best wishes.

***If you haven't had a chance to, please first closely review the
following eeglab wiki pages related to your questions:


Remember to try the full tutorial which is really beneficial for people who
have not used eeglab before much, and to also try functions from
the gui wth tutorial data first.
For some of your questions, you might have to go into the functions and do
some detective work.

For ICA there are only four EEG structure fields:


For understanding how these EEG structure fields contain the ICA
information see figure 3.4 in the following chapter:

if you run ICA from the GUI on tutorial data, or on correctly setup other
data, then you just run dipfit from the GUI, which directly uses
Fieldtrip's dipfit function to read the ICA information from the EEG
structure, and generate dipoles. Once you run the dipfit function from the
eeglab gui, you can see the command by typing eegh for eeglab history, and
you can examine the dipfit infomation that has been added to the EEG
structure in matlab (see DIPFIT eeglab wikipage link further below with
other links).

If you haven't had a chance to, please be sure Google the following terms
to find out past discussions on your topic on the eeglablist, you might
find the answers you need there: for example, "eeglab list EEG.icaact " or
"eeglab list ICA structure"  or "eeglablist dipfit"

you can also run the GUI to show yourself the component properties via the
eeglab gui. After that type eegh to review the command that created that.
If you examine the code for that function you can find out where each of
the IC properties live and how they are computed.

I recommend you run all tests via the eeglab guii first, and then review
the history of commands via eegh to build scripts.
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