[Eeglablist] IC Label Project Goal Reached!

Luca Pion-Tonachini lpionton at ucsd.edu
Mon Apr 25 10:30:41 PDT 2016

Hello EEGLAB list!

I'm happy to announce that last week, with the help of many of you, we 
have surpassed our goal of 10,000 user component labels on 
reaching.ucsd.edu:8000. As it currently stands, there are a total of 
11,388 labels. This is a fantastic amount and I will be continuing onto 
the automated classification stage of the project. Of course this is a 
case where more is actually better, so as for the competition, the 
winners will be picked based on contribution through the end of April. 
That gives everyone 5 more days to try to get in the running for a 
prize. I will personally email the winners using the emails they have 
registered with on the website.

The website will stay up after the competition ends and eventually I 
will add features to provide feedback on your labeling ability and as 
well as feedback on each component labeled based on others' labels and 
eventually the classifier.

Thank you for helping,
Luca Pion-Tonachini

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