[Eeglablist] How can I export Frequency Information?

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Wed May 4 18:27:01 PDT 2016

Hello Ryan, Some notes below that should help, cheers!

If you type eegh in the command line after you run pop_spectopo and see the
spectrum, then you will see a command that looks something like this:

figure; pop_spectopo(EEG, 1, [0  LengthofEpochorEEGdata], 'EEG' ,
'percent', 15, 'freq', [6 10 22], 'freqrange',[2 25],'electrodes','off');

in the command line, try something like this, after changing
to whatever your data length.

[spectra frequencies] = spectopo (EEG, 1, [0  LengthofEpochorEEGdata],
'EEG' , 'percent', 15, 'freq', [6 10 22], 'freqrange',[2

The spectra and frequencies are your variables of interest.

Google the eeglab list for past mentions of the same question you have.

For exporting matlab variables to excel can always just google "Export
to Excel" on google, there are many pages for all basic questions.

Matlab is important to learn in this case, at least a little.

If you haven't had a chance to, see also  the eeglab tutorial and
documentation online, including suggestions about what aspects of Matlab to
Read the documentation about your function by typing help or doc and the
name of the function.
In your case the two functions are pop_spectopo and spectopo, which you can
also easily also google.
In the function documentation and the eeglab online documentation, there
are descriptions how to get output.
In generally works like a function, which outputs the data in to a variable
that you access in matlab.
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