[Eeglablist] motion artifacts in EEG data using a mobile phantom head device

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Thu May 12 12:00:40 PDT 2016

recent article of interest to eeglabers and mobile brain imaging researchers:

Some related titles from last year or two on movement or artifacts
below, all findable on google scholar.

Changes in cortical activity measured with EEG during a high-intensity
cycling exercise

Prefrontal, posterior parietal and sensorimotor network activity
underlying speed control during walking

3D Cortical electrophysiology of ballistic upper limb movement in humans

Cortical spectral activity and connectivity during active and viewed
arm and leg movement

An Improved Artifacts Removal Method for High Dimensional EEG

High and low gamma EEG oscillations in central sensorimotor areas are
conversely modulated during the human gait cycle

Hybrid wavelet and EMD/ICA approach for artifact suppression in pervasive EEG

Sparse Time Artifact Removal

Accounting for microsaccadic artifacts in the EEG using independent
component analysis and beamforming

Unsupervised eye blink artifact denoising of EEG data with modified
multiscale sample entropy, Kurtosis, and wavelet-ICA

EEG artifact removal—state-of-the-art and guidelines

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