[Eeglablist] Interpolation of bad channels

DISNAN FEDERICA [PS5100398] FEDERICA.DISNAN at studenti.units.it
Sat May 14 09:31:54 PDT 2016

Dear users,
I would like to ask you some help with the usage of EEGLab.
In detail, I have some questions concerning the interpolation of bad channels.
Before running the ICA on EEG continuous data I follow this steps:
- Load Channel configuration
- Resampling to 500 Hz
- Filtering
- Re-reference
- Cleanline
Kindly I would like to know when and how it would be more appropriate to interpolate the bad channels.
I would really appreciate your suggestions to solve this problem.
Many thanks for your support,
Best regards
Federica Disnan

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