[Eeglablist] ICLabel winners

Luca Pion-Tonachini lpionton at ucsd.edu
Thu May 19 11:23:35 PDT 2016

Hi eeglablist,

I wanted to (belatedly) announce the winners of the ICLabel contest. 
They have all been notified personally, but I have neglected to send out 
a broader email. The winners are as follows:

  * Michael Trumbo
  * Matthew Moore
  * Mareike Hülsemann

I would also like to thank everyone else who has helped out, even though 
the random number generator did not choose them.
The website will still be open to new labels for the foreseeable future 
and I still plan on adding more features to show user skill estimates as 
well as an update that transforms the website into an educational tool. 
It will most likely be a while before I can get to that, but there will 
be another email accompanying the addition.

Thanks again!
Luca Pion-Tonachini

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