[Eeglablist] Component clustering and PCA reduction

Clemens DICKHUT clemens.dickhut at uni.lu
Tue May 24 01:42:37 PDT 2016

Dear all,

I have some trouble understanding the reduction of dimensionality on measures selected for component clustering. (STUDY —> build pre-clustering array)

As for example, I want to reduce the dimensions of ERSP/dipoles, spectra, given all ICs, which dimensions, what are the dimensions that would be reduced for the respective measures?

I am grateful for any input.


Clemens Dickhut, M.Sc., (PhD Student)
Institute for Health and Behaviour
Research Unit INSIDE
University of Luxembourg - Campus Belval
Maison des Sciences Humaines
11, Porte des Sciences, R. 04 415
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette
Tel.: (+352) 46 66 44 9536

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