[Eeglablist] EEG Lab Infant Data

Anna Kolesnik anna.kolesnik at me.com
Tue May 31 02:48:37 PDT 2016

Dear all, 

A quick question. I have data from around 109 8-month-oldds infants that did an auditory task, and I am trying to process it with the toolbox. Unfortunately when I load the data following the instructions, the signal becomes weak (-10mv) relative to what it was in Netstation. As a result, the wavelet is flat. I was wondering if anyone has done this type of analysis before (not necessarily on the age group) and was able to give some advise? I am also trying to do the same with WTools and general MatLab Wavelet toolbox. If anyone has any experience in the field please let me know. 

Anna Kolesnik 

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