[Eeglablist] PhD student & Postdoc fellow positions on Insomnia-Depression Neuroscience in Amsterdam

Eus van Someren eusvansomeren at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 00:05:43 PDT 2016

The Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN), a major research component of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, is seeking exceptional candidates for either a PhD position or a Post-Doctoral Fellow position in the Sleep & Cognition research group headed by Prof. Eus Van Someren.
Chronic insomnia belongs to the most prevalent disorders and is the primary risk factor for the development of depression. The Sleep & Cognition research group aims to elucidate the brain mechanisms underlying chronic insomnia and the risk it infers for the development of depression. We use a wide variety of research instruments to do so, including structural and functional neuroimaging, high-density EEG, ambulatory recording including experience sampling and psychometric assessment using internet in a sample of >10.000 volunteers (sleepregistry.nl <http://sleepregistry.nl/>).
 A PhD position and/or a Post-Doctoral Fellow position are available for highly motivated and skilled individuals interested in the neural mechanisms of insomnia and the risk of depression. In our team, skills and expertise are complementary. The candidates we’re looking for will have ample skills and experience with respect to a subset of the following topics:
- neuroimaging of the human brain
- high-density EEG
- advanced analyses of neuroimaging or HD-EEG data
- exceptional methodological knowledge
- knowledge of brain circuits
- sleep and/or insomnia
- emotion regulation and/or depression
- running a randomized controlled trial including recruitment, planning, datamanagement and supervision
Mastery of English is a requirement, mastery of the Dutch language is a pre. Individuals with a record of productive research are encouraged to apply.
The post is advertised for one year in the first instance, extendable to four years and starts as soon as feasible. Our team has direct access to the Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging with 3T and 7T MRI scanners dedicated to research; a four-bedroom 256-chn EEG sleep lab; extensive equipment for ambulatory monitoring and experience sampling; a growing database of people participating in extensive multivariate psychometric assessment. 
Salary will be commensurate with education and experience.
Applicants are invited to respond as soon as possible and no later than June 30, 2016, by  submitting a curriculum vitae including publication list, a one-page summary of research interests, and names and contact details of three referees to Prof. Eus Van Someren, PhD through email: e.van.someren at nin.knaw.nl <mailto:e.van.someren at nin.knaw.nl>

Prof. Dr. Eus JW Van Someren
Head Dept. Sleep & Cognition
e.van.someren at nin.knaw.nl <mailto:e.van.someren at nin.knaw.nl>

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