[Eeglablist] Problem with std_makedesign() function to create STUDY

Freya De Keyser Freya.DeKeyser at UGent.be
Wed Jun 8 02:42:44 PDT 2016

Hi all, 

  First some information on my dataset: I have an auditory oddball task with
high tones (= frequent tones) and low tones ( = odd tones). There are two
task versions: the subject either has to listen to the tones and actively
report them (= active condition) or the subject just has to listen to the
tones ( = passive condition). The tasks were done either before (=
pre-recording) of after (= post-rcording) a hypnotic induction. Combination
of these variables gives four conditions: active pre, active post, passive
pre, and passive post. I have two subjects and both of them passed all of
four conditions. 
  My main goal is to plot ERPs that show the difference in P300 components
between the conditions. 

  I've finished preprocessing and I created epochs of the same length for
each of the conditions. I have created separate datasets for high and low
tones for each of the conditions (per participant). Now, I want to creaty a
STUDY in order to combine the conditions of the two participants so that I
can plot the ERPs. When I go to "Create study > Browse for datasets", I
select the datasets in the appropriate folders. When I then want to create
the study, I get the following error message: "There is probably an issue
with the folder names - move the files and ty again. Error occured in
function std_makedesign() at line 347)". 

  Is there anyone of you who has encountered the same problem and who knows
how I can solve this? 

  All the best,
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