[Eeglablist] Problem Importing Brain Vision Pycorder files

Kira Bailey kmbailey at owu.edu
Tue Jun 21 08:36:27 PDT 2016


I am using Brain Vision Pycorder to record EEG, and I am having some
difficulty getting the data to visualize correctly in EEGLab. I have tried
importing the data using the BIOSIG interface and the Brain Vis Rec.vhdr
plugin both with the same result. Basically, all of the information about
the dataset looks correct, but when you plot the data it looks as if
channels are missing. We know these channels weren't missing when we
recorded. Here is a link to one of our data files:

Any help would be much appreciated!


Kira Bailey, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
David O. Robbins Neuroscience Program
Ohio Wesleyan University

Office: 52K Phillips Hall
Phone: 740.368.3808

*Have a scientastic day! ~Dr. Venture*
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