[Eeglablist] Comparison STUDY ERSPDATA and ERSPDATA from script

Simon Recherche srigoulotresearch at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 11:07:31 PDT 2016

Hi all,

I am trying to compare different methods to get ERSP data from EEGLab.

When pre-computing the channel measures for ERSP, I noticed that default
parameters are: 'cycles', [3 0.8], 'nfreqs', 100, 'ntimesout', 200

I tried to retrieve the same results by adapting Arnaud's script on the
tutorial , for one subject and one electrode so it goes faster (see below).

clear all


subject_list = { 'CA20SD'};

nsubj = length(subject_list); % number of subjects

home_path  = 'D:\EEG_FGX_EEGLab_3\10.ChannelsInterpolated\';

        allersp = zeros([100 200 1 nsubj]);

        allitc = zeros([ 100 200 1 nsubj]);

        allpowbase = zeros([ 1 100 1 nsubj]);

        alltimes = zeros([ 1 200 1 nsubj]);

        allfreqs = zeros([ 1 100 1 nsubj]);

for subj=1:nsubj

  % Load dataset

        fprintf('\n\n\n**** %subj: Loading dataset ****\n\n\n',

        EEG = pop_loadset('filename', [subject_list{subj} '_epochs.set'],
'filepath', home_path);

% Compute a time-frequency decomposition for every electrode

for elec = 77

[ersp,itc,powbase,times,freqs,erspboot,itcboot] = pop_newtimef(EEG, 1,
elec, [EEG.xmin EEG.xmax]*1000, 'cycles', [3 0.8], 'nfreqs', 100,
'ntimesout', 200, 'plotersp','off', 'plotitc','off');

    allersp (:,:,elec,subj) = ersp;

    allitc (:,:,elec,subj) = itc;

    allpowbase (:,:,elec,subj) = powbase;

    alltimes (:,:,elec,subj) = times;

    allfreqs (:,:,elec,subj) = freqs;



When I compare the matrix A = ersp(:,:,1,1) with the figure I get with the
STUDY GUI (by selecting the proper channel and subjects), I dont have the
same results.

I tried to look at the std_ersp() function to see if other inputs could
help to make calculations similar but I did not find anything.

Thanks again,

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