[Eeglablist] LIMO toolbox

PERNET Cyril cyril.pernet at ed.ac.uk
Thu Dec 22 03:14:47 PST 2016

Hi Gian Marco

in the up-and-coming version of eeglab you will be able to import in the study design !

for now however, export for each subject your stimuli as a single vector e.g. 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 to be saved as categorical variable (mat or txt). Then use the batch mode ! it requires you to create 2 lists (txt) with one that lists all your subjects eeg files and one all your categorical variable files , input the 2 lists et voila ! (here you do not seem to have a continuous variable)


From: Gian Marco Duma <gmduma90 at gmail.com>
Sent: 20 December 2016 10:48
To: Maren Stropahl
Cc: eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
Subject: Re: [Eeglablist] LIMO toolbox

Thanks to everybody for your help.
I read the tutorial, and I have some questions. For the 1st level analysis, categorial variables and continous variables are fundamental to create the model. In my experiment I'm studying anticipatory activity, as CNV. I have two stimuli, with randomized presentation, so that the sequence of the stimuli is specific for each participants. The stimuli are randomized on-line, so that the trial sequence is created during the experiment. Should I create manually the categorial and continous variable files for the 1st level analysis of each subject, or there is an automatic way? In my case, in which my variables have just one level, how should I create the continous variables file?

2016-12-19 9:50 GMT+01:00 Maren Stropahl <maren.stropahl at uni-oldenburg.de<mailto:maren.stropahl at uni-oldenburg.de>>:

You can find a tutorial and some useful documents on their statistics in the "help"-folder, which is included when you download the toolbox (plugins/limo_v1.4/help)


M.Sc. Maren Stropahl
Neuropsychology Lab
Department of Psychology
University of Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg

Office A7 0 - 049
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Email: maren.stropahl at uni-oldenburg.de<mailto:maren.stropahl at uni-oldenburg.de>

Am 16.12.2016 um 19:49 schrieb Gian Marco Duma:
I'm strating to use use LIMO toolbox for statistical analysis, but I'm finding some problems. I use ERPlab to calculate the average ERP. I started with basic analysis with LIMO toolbox, for example comparing ERP activity in two conditions of the experiment, but I'm finding some problems
I read the article and I saw the video on Youtube about GLM with EEG and LIMO toolbox, but they do not explain how to use LIMO toolbox.
Do you know if there is a tutorial and where I could find it?
thanks for your help

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