[Eeglablist] AMICA on Mac OS

Jason Palmer japalmer29 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 22:24:01 PST 2017

Hi Fang-Yu,


I see a couple of problems. The first is that the file is not being found, and it looks like this is because there is a space in the pathname (specifically “…/pilot study/…”). Could you try it using a pathname and filename without any spaces?


Also , to run the “chmod 755 amica15mac” command, you should use the mac Terminal. This can be found in the mac Utilities folder. In the Terminal, run “cd /Users/fmu_neurology/Documents/MATLAB/eeglab_13_6_5b/plugins/AMICA1.5/”, then “chmod 755 amica15mac”.


Then try again and it may work, or at least produce different errors J.





From: eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu [mailto:eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of Fang-Yu Chang
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:22 PM
To: eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
Subject: Re: [Eeglablist] AMICA on Mac OS


Dear eegliblister,


I have a related question about AMICA.

I have followed the steps which were mentioned, but AMICA still cannot run. Please check the attached picture.

My OS is El Capitan. Thanks for help in advance.






Fang-Yu Chang


2016-12-16 20:34 GMT+09:00 Jason Palmer <japalmer29 at gmail.com>:

One other issue I recall coming up before. It may very well be necessary to
change the permissions on the binary file to make it executable. So in a
terminal window, cd to the amica1.5 directory (after creating it and
downloading amica15mac to it), and run

$ chmod 755 amica15mac

Then you should be able to run the binary.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Palmer [mailto:japalmer at ucsd.edu]
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 8:28 PM
To: 'Shingo Tokimoto'; 'EEGLAB List'
Subject: RE: [Eeglablist] AMICA on Mac OS

Hi Shingo,

The wiki instructions may be out of date. Could you try this:

1) Create a directory in the eeglab plugins folder, called
2) Download the five .m files into the new amica1.5 directory:
- eegplugin_amica.m
- pop_runamica.m
- runamica15.m
- loadmodout15.m
- eeg_loadamica.m
3) Download the binary amica15mac file to the amica1.5 directory
4) Start eeglab and load a dataset
5) Under the Tools menu, choose Run Amica and click OK to try with the
default parameters. The amica_web webpage has a help link at the bottom with
info on the gui.

The binary is compiled for El Capitan so it may not work with other OS
versions like Sierra. I plan to compile for Sierra when I get access to it.
If you are using El Capitan and have other questions, let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu
[mailto:eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of Shingo Tokimoto
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 11:21 PM
Subject: [Eeglablist] AMICA on Mac OS

Dear EEGLAB users,

I am trying to use AMICA on Mac OS (10.7.5). I have downloaded the m files
and 'amica15mac' from Dr. Jason Palmer's web site, as below.


Then I followed the instruction of "Amica Download" in EEGLAB wiki below.
However, amica doesn't work on my Mac.


Could anybody tell me the way? Thank you in advance.

Shingo Tokimoto, Ph.D.
in Linguistics and Psychology
Department of Foreign Languages
Mejiro University
4-31-1, Naka-Ochiai, Shinjuku, Tokyo,
161-8539, Japan
tokimoto at mejiro.ac.jp

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