[Eeglablist] Does EEG.icaact represent components in channel reference?

Martin Simoneau Martin.Simoneau at kin.ulaval.ca
Tue Feb 7 13:08:42 PST 2017

Hi everyone,

I have questions regarding this sentence: "the components were transformed back to the channel-by-time series." From my understanding, the authors ran ICA on their EEG channels. Thereafter, transformed back to the channel time-series meant that they used EEG.icaact to analyse their time-series in EEG channel reference. Therefore, the time-series in EEG.icaact are the components in the channel reference, am I right?

As a result, if row 20 in EEG.data represents C3, analysing row 20 in EEG.icaact is analysing C3, am I right?

However, if I remove components because some showed eye blink or other artefact, now EEG.icaact has less row than EEG.data. How can I find C3 after removing components?

In other words, if I remove components, it is possible that C3 is no longer present. Can I transform components back in channel-by-time series without losing some channels after removing components?

Thanks for your help,


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