[Eeglablist] questions related to erpimage() function
Tarik S Bel-Bahar
tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 15:11:47 PST 2017
Hello Akshay, Not sure if this will help, but it should get you past your
current block...Best wishes.
for erpimage, one should first take a close look, and try, the various
flags possible in the function.
Type "open erpimage" or "doc erpimage" or google erpimage to get the info
and then give those a try.
Some flags may be depreciated, and if so, a note in the eeglab bugzilla is
appreciated, if you can replicate the problem.
I would recommend using eegh to get the command line verson of the
pop_erpimage with "smoothing",
and then work with changing those flags as needed in the command line.
One solution could be: run pop_erpimage instead, ad add in flags for
erpimage into the pop_erprimage command.
for cbar, try plotting the image first, and then adjusting the colorbar
using matlab commands for modifying the colorbar, which you can easily
google search.
for example, search "change color bar limits matlab"
On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 11:36 AM, Akshay Maggu <akshaymaggu86 at gmail.com>
> Hi all,
> I have two questions related to erpimage() whose syntax goes something
> like this: erpimage(data,RTs,[-400 256 256],'Test',1,1,...
> 'erp','cbar','vert',-350);
> 1. cbar: How to define the high-low limits of 'cbar'? Could I set these
> limits arbitrarily? For example, say, I want to look at +/-5 uV range
> irrespective of presence of higher amplitude peaks (say 10 uV).
> 2. avewidth: which is similar to 'smoothing' of pop_erpimage() (?). I
> would like to set a smoothing factor of 10.
> However, It seems that I can't set the avewidth anything greater than
> '1'. The following error pops up saying that data are too short:
> Error using movav (line 76)
> data are too short
> Thanks in advance,
> Akshay
> --
> Akshay Raj Maggu,
> Laboratory for Language, Learning and the Brain,
> Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages,
> The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
> Hong Kong.
> Webpage: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/lin/new/people/students/maggu/
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