[Eeglablist] Importing channel locations

Chesney Craig C.Craig at mmu.ac.uk
Thu Mar 23 02:23:48 PDT 2017


Our acquisition software (TMSi Polybench) is not supported by EEGLAB, so we cannot import channel locations automatically. However, the cap we use is a standard 10-20 electrode placement. Therefore, as a solution, I can manually add each channel location name and 'look up locs' for each channel one by one, which I have then exported as a .ced file to import automatically later.​

However, when I subsequently import this file as the channel locs file, I get the following warning:

EEG.chanlocs = pop_editset(EEG);
pop_editset(): channel locations file 'C:\Users\Home\Documents\Ches\eeglab_current\eeglab13_6_5b\TMSi_32_cap.ced' found
readlocs(): 'chanedit' format assumed from file extension
Reading file (lines): 10 20 30 32
readlocs() warning: Fewer columns in the input than expected.
                    See >> help readlocs
eeg_checkset warning: no field label in channel location structure, removing it
Warning: channel labels should not be empty, creating unique labels
Warning: the size of the channel location structure does not match with
         number of channels. Channel information have been removed.

I don't understand the error, as there are 32 channels to the structure and there are 32 channel labels. Could anyone offer advice on this issue please?

Kind regards,
Chesney Craig

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