[Eeglablist] Trouble Importing EDF file into EEGLAB

Austin Gallyer agallyer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 01:49:39 PDT 2017

I had the same issue with getting Emotiv data into EEGLAB. It seems there
is an issue with the header. Go to this site:

This is a program that changes the header to make it readable by EEGLAB.
The caveat is that I still haven't been able to get markers to import, so
perhaps someone else knows how to do that.


On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 5:26 PM Michelle Braithwaite <
michelle.braithwaite94 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've saved an edf file from Emotiv Xavier Pure EEG and am wanting to
> import it into EEGLAB. If I use file>import data> Using EEGLAB functions
> and plugins>from EDF/EDF+/GDF files  and then select my EDF file, I get an
> error message saying "Unsupported data format - (Error occured in function
> pop_biosig() at line 89)".
> I've tried importing a sample EDF file which found online and downloaded
> which worked fine, so I don't understand why my data won't upload if its in
> the same format?
> Any help would be very much appreciated!
> Kind Regards,
> Michelle
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