[Eeglablist] Question about channel locations for Biopac EDA dat

James Jones-Rounds jj324 at cornell.edu
Tue Apr 25 05:32:10 PDT 2017

Hi Emily,

If you have successfully imported your data file from Acqknowledge into
EEGLAB, then you should be able to plot the data from the EDA channel
(you're referring to skin conductance, right?) regardless of whether you
have channel location data. This is the same for any data imported to
EEGLAB. Some topographic-related functions (like plotting a scalp map)
require channel locations, and most advanced functionalities in the data do
too. But just plotting the time series data does not require that.

I suspect, however, that the data is not being imported properly. Have you
installed the BIOPAC-specific data import extension for EEGLAB? If so, you
might see that it expects the BIOPAC data to be in a ".mat" format, which
you can save your .acq files in if you do "Save as" in Acqknowledge.

Or do you mean that your events aren't showing up in the time-series plot?
In that case I think you should double-check that the event matrix that
you're feeding into the "pop_importevent" is formatted correctly. If you're
using the "pop_chanevent" function instead, because you have a BIOPAC
channel that was functioning as your stimulus event code channel, then try
playing with the settings of that function to make sure it's importing your
events properly. Good luck!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Emily Cohodes <emily.cohodes at yale.edu>
To: <eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 07:51:06 -0400
Subject: [Eeglablist] Question about channel locations for Biopac EDA data
Hi eeglablist,

I am trying to batch enter event markers for an EDA file (collected using
Biopac/AcqKnowledge) that I have exported into eeglab. Currently, the file
is reading in the events but is not able to plot It either in eeglab or
when I export it back to AcqKnowledge. I am guessing that I need to read in
channel locations in order for it to plot. Does anyone know where I can
find the correct channel locations for EDA data collected with Biopac to
use in eeglab or how to set this up?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Emily Cohodes
PhD Student, Clinical Psychology
Clinical Affective Neuroscience and Development Lab
Yale University
2 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven, CT 06520
James Jones-Rounds
Laboratory Manager
Human Development EEG and Psychophysiology (HEP) Laboratory,
Department of Human Development,
Cornell University | Ithaca, NY
eeg at cornell.edu
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